Homeopathic infant teething products contain dangerous levels of deadly nightshade

Homeolab USA is a Canadian company that makes "homeopathic" remedies for kids; in a warning letter sent to the company earlier this month, the US FTC warned the company that it had discovered dangerous levels of belladonna (AKA deadly nightshade) in its infant teething products, and advised the company that its manufacturing process was putting its customers' safety at risk.

Homeolab is just the latest homeopathic company slammed by the FDA for problems related to belladonna-containing products. For years, the agency has been investigating reports of infants having seizures, losing consciousness, and, in some cases, dying after using such products. The symptoms were all consistent with belladonna poisonings. Last September, the FDA warned consumers to avoid the homeopathic teething gels and tablets distributed by Hyland’s, CVS, and others.

Homeolab USA Inc. 8/2/17

FDA slams more homeopaths for playing fast and loose with toxic chemicals
[Beth Mole/Ars Technica]