Last footage of Godzilla actor Haruo Nakajima (RIP) wearing the monster suit

Nakajima tries on the Godzilla suit one last time

Nakajima tries on the Godzilla suit one last time Watch this video on YouTube. Japanese actor Haruo Nakajima who rocked the Godzilla suit in a dozen movies died on Monday…

Japanese actor Haruo Nakajima who rocked the Godzilla suit in a dozen movies died on Monday at age 88. Above is the last video of Nakajima as Godzilla for a 1983 photo shoot.

From Nakajima's obituary in the New York Times:

“One might regard him as a symbol of Japanese hate for the destruction that came out of nowhere and descended upon Hiroshima one pleasant August morn,” The New York Times wrote of the monster in a 1956 review of “Godzilla: King of the Monsters,” the English-dubbed version of the film released in North America. “But we assure you that the quality of the picture and the childishness of the whole idea do not indicate such a calculation. Godzilla was simply meant to scare people.”