Norwegian Islamophobes mistake bus-seat-covers for burkhas, go bonkers

Members of the Norwegian Facebook group "Fedrelandet viktigst" ("Fatherland first") mistook a photo of an empty bus whose seats had been draped with black covers for a bus full of…

Members of the Norwegian Facebook group "Fedrelandet viktigst" ("Fatherland first") mistook a photo of an empty bus whose seats had been draped with black covers for a bus full of women in burkhas and went Brevik-bananas, decrying the rampant Islamification of Norway and generally being easily frightened, fragile Aryans.

Member after member sounded off on how “frightening”, “tragic” and “scary” the scene was. Others decried that such a thing could happen in Norway (it didn’t) and worried that the phantom passengers could have “weapons and bombs” under their garments (they didn't because, well, there were no passengers).

“It looks really scary, should be banned. You can never know who is under there. Could be terrorists with weapons,” one group user wrote.

“Get them out of our country, those who look like collapsed umbrellas. Frightening times we are living in,” wrote another.

“I thought it would be like this in the year 2050, but it is happening NOW!!!!” another alarmist chimed in.

Norwegian anti-immigrant Facebook groups confuses empty bus seats with 'terrorists'
[The Local]

(Image: Sindre Beyer)

(via Naked Capitalism)