Just a headless robot scooping up free ice cream in San Francisco

Robot serving ice cream

Robot serving ice cream Watch this video on YouTube. First they came for the drumming jobs, now the robots are honing in on our ice cream serving gigs, as evidenced…

First they came for the drumming jobs, now the robots are honing in on our ice cream serving gigs, as evidenced by this video by MrEricSir.

Outside of Bi-Rite Creamery on Sunday, a mysterious headless robot torso with no (known) name was found scooping up free ice cream.

MrEricSir writes:

A guy waving around a pair of HTC Vive controllers caused the two arms to scoop up ice cream and sprinkles…

The robot did seem to have a camera in its “head,” and I noticed there was an unused Vive virtual reality headset sitting on the table. The desktop PC controlling everything had a high-end GeForce GTX graphics card glowing from under the case’s grill which seemed capable of driving the headset. When I asked the operator if the VR headset worked with this contraption he confirmed that it does, though he said it’s difficult to see what he’s doing while wearing the headset.

I vote we anthropomorphize this robot as soon as possible. At the very least, Let's put a mannequin head on Icecream McIcecreamface.


Thanks, Kent Barnes!