George RR Martin, 1993 "The fantasy novel I've been working on off and on for a while" is an unlikely project for TV

Scott Edelman writes, "I interviewed George R. R. Martin at a Thai restaurant on Episode 42 of my Eating the Fantastic podcast (MP3), and after I returned home, remembered I'd…

Scott Edelman writes, "I interviewed George R. R. Martin at a Thai restaurant on Episode 42 of my Eating the Fantastic podcast (MP3), and after I returned home, remembered I'd also interviewed him back in 1993. After digging out the tape, I couldn't resist incorporating his amusing admission about 'a fantasy novel I've been working on off and on for a while' as part of the episode."

"There's plenty of fun contemporaneous conversation there, too, of course, which is the point of Eating the Fantastic — including why he was annoyed Marvel Comics printed his letters but DC never did, how the rock & roll novel Armageddon Rag got him a job on the rebooted Twilight Zone, the time Harlan Ellison convinced him to apply to be the editor of Analog, and more."

Down drunken noodles with George R. R. Martin in Episode 43 of Eating the Fantastic

[Scott Edelman]