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The lollipopter puts the helicone to shame


Remember the helicone toy that changed from a helix to a pine cone? A mathematician just upped the ante with the colorful lollipopter.

YouTuber Grand Illusions says of John Edmark’s invention:

With a quick twist, Lollipopter magically transforms from a ‘swirl’ to a ‘burst’ and back again in one amazingly elegant motion. To transform it, simply spin the handle and watch the magic unfold. To change it back, just spin it the other way.

The design of this simply beautiful structure is derived from natural plant forms, and utilizes mathematical concepts such as the Fibonacci numbers and the golden ratio.

They come in several groovy colors and look just as satisfying as the helicone, but a little more colorful.

Lollipopter (YouTube / Grand Illusions)

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