Make nearly any flavor of chewing gum, in your microwave

How To Make Gum In Your Microwave — You Can Do This!

How To Make Gum In Your Microwave — You Can Do This! Watch this video on YouTube. Ever thought to make chewing gum at home? Neither had I. Well, not…

Ever thought to make chewing gum at home? Neither had I. Well, not until I saw this tutorial by gum chef (I made this title up) Clifford Endo. In it, he shares his recipe for making artisanal chewing gum in the microwave.

He writes:

Chewing gum is cheap, I get that. So why make it yourself? I get that, too. But think of all the possibilities that come with creating your own flavors: lemongrass, basil, lemon, and yes, bitters. Even reducing port or cocktails down to a syrup could be full-on cocktail flavored gum: This is just the base, the ideas are endless.

The process seems straightforward enough and I like that you can flavor the gum most anyway you desire.

I would think you could even try to make one that tastes like a three-course meal. But, you know, just be careful…