Watch a freak wave launch a body boarder 20 feet into the air

Wave Catapults Body Boarder 20ft In The Air

Wave Catapults Body Boarder 20ft In The Air Watch this video on YouTube. Jack Baker was bodyboarding at Sydney Australia's Cape Solander when a big backwash wave launched him into…

Jack Baker was bodyboarding at Sydney Australia's Cape Solander when a big backwash wave launched him into the sky. Fortunately, he suffered only from a burst lung and is now recovering.

"I even said to the photographer who was in the water: 'this backwash is going to kill someone.' As this wave came towards me, I took off and as I got in it was real deep, I was already going too fast, I attempted to eject hoping it would send me back through the wave," he told SurferToday.

"Instead of ejecting, I got smashed by the wave, and suddenly I was in the air just falling. I had already got kicked about so hard in the waves so as I came back down I was dizzy and I didn’t know whether I was in the water or up in the air. But when I hit the water that woke me up."