Kickstarting a diverse anthology of middle-grades science fiction

Corie J Weaver writes to tell us that Dreaming Robot (previously is kickstarting its latest science fiction anthology for kids, The Young Explorer's Adventure Guide, "the fourth collection of science fiction stories for middle grade readers, with a focus on diversity and representation."

$5 gets you a DRM-free ebook, $10 gets you all four volumes as ebooks, $20 gets you a printed book and an ebook. They've paid pro rates to the authors, and schools and public libraries can request free "sponsored" copies that the publishers are coordinating.

All of our authors are paid professional rates for their work, because we feel it’s the right thing to do. And just like last year, school and public libraries will be able to request sponsored copies, free of charge.

Which means the upfront costs are a little high, especially for a tiny indie press. But we believe the anthology has a small but important part to play in the battle for equality (and good fiction) and that it’s a worthwhile challenge.

Consider backing the project, in either ebook or paperback, or sponsoring a donated copy, and spread the message to your networks. The more books go out, the more kids we reach, the brighter the dream of tomorrow.

2018 Young Explorer's Adventure Guide: SF Anthology [Dreaming Robot Press/Kickstarter]