What colors do you get when you spell words in hex?

The hexidecimal color #C0FFEE (192 Red, 255 Green, 238 Blue, on a scale of 0-255) is a pleasing greenish color, while #BEADED is a kind of mauve. Surge has a…

The hexidecimal color #C0FFEE (192 Red, 255 Green, 238 Blue, on a scale of 0-255) is a pleasing greenish color, while #BEADED is a kind of mauve.

Surge has a chart showing all the colors that can be "spelled" using English dictionaries and allowing for leet substitutions (5 is S, 1 is L, 0 is 0, etc).

What real words are actually valid CSS HEX colors? Parsing an English dictionary for entries containing only the letters ABCDEF and limiting the result to words of exactly 6 or 3 letters length (#FFFFFF or #FFF) gives us some interesting results. Use STRICT to limit the list to 100% valid HEX words as opposed to the default output which contains 0157 disguised as OIST (limited/ intuitive 1337). This interface uses #coffee, #teases and #facade, the latter because #faeces rendered a tad too pale. You should listen to this while browsing the colors. Mouseclick copies the HEX code to clipboard.

#c0ffee is the color [Surge]

(via JWZ)