Thai police arrest three Chinese nationals in raid on social media "like"-farm

Immigration police arrested three Chinese nationals in a raid on a rented room in Tambon Ban Mai Nongsai, charging them with work-permit violations and for "online trading of contraband goods."…

Immigration police arrested three Chinese nationals in a raid on a rented room in Tambon Ban Mai Nongsai, charging them with work-permit violations and for "online trading of contraband goods."

The three men were allegedly contracting to use the WeShare app to rack up likes and views on manufacturers' products and services.

The Chinese, identified as Nai Wenjin, 32, told police via an interpreter that they are not members of Call Centre but were just employed by producers, manufacturers or owners to score “likes” and “views” for their merchandises via “WeShare” mobile application to make them most views or most likes on the social media.

He said they were on the business for over three months.

Three Chinese arrested for working without permits and illegal online trade
[Thai PBS]

(via Beyond the Beyond)