Macron pokes fun at Trump with name of new website: Make Our Planet Great Again

French president Emmanuel Macron launched a new website today encouraging scientists, researchers, and others concerned with climate change to move to France. And the name of the new website? Make Our Planet Great Again, of course.

Macron is hoping to lead the world in climate change, and the new site asks anyone interested to apply for positions on the site, and to apply for immigration as well.

According to Politico:

“This is a signal sent to the rest of the world,” an adviser to Macron said, briefing reporters on condition of anonymity? “France wants to lead the fight against climate change and we want to attract people who share that aspiration.”

The site, which cost €22,000 to build, is part of a public relations drive by Macron — who took office less than a month ago — to capitalize on Trump’s decision to withdraw from the climate change deal, and underscores his presidency’s exceptionally active approach to communications.

Make Our Planet Great Again introduces itself with a statement from Macron:

"On the 1st of June, President Donald Trump decided to withdraw the United States from the Paris agreement, which gathered more than 190 countries united against climate change. This decision is unfortunate but it only reinforced our determination. Don’t let it weaken yours. We are ONE planet and Together, we can make a difference. France has always led fights for human rights. Today, more than ever, we are determined to lead (and win!) this battle on climate change."

Vive le monde!