New Yorkers! I'll see you tomorrow at Bookcon on the Walkaway tour (then SF, Chicago, Denver…) (!)

I just got to NYC for Bookcon, where I'm

I just got to NYC for Bookcon, where I'm appearing tomorrow, at a "guest bookseller" event with John Scalzi at 11 at the Tor Booth (3008) (we'll be talking up books we love!); then a panel with Charlie Jane Anders, Annalee Newitz and John Scalzi at 3PM (room 1E10), and finally a signing with Scalzi at 415PM in the autographing area.

It's part of the Walkaway tour, which has me flying to San Francisco tomorrow night after Bookcon to attend the Bay Area Book Festival on Sunday, where I'm on two panels: Science Fiction and the Resistance, with Charlie Jane Anders, John Scalzi and Annalee Newitz; and When Reality Meets Science Fiction, with Meg Elison, Zachary Mason, and Annalee Newitz.

Next weekend, I'm in Chicago for the Printers Row festival, where I'll be "in conversation" with Mary Robinette Kowal on Sunday at 1130AM. I return to Chicago the next week for ALA, before heading to Denver for Denver Comic-Con (I'll also be at San Diego Comic-Con and Defcon later in the summer).

Walkaway continues to go gangbusters: this morning's profile and review in the LA Times by Scott Timberg was a fine thing to wake up to, especially William Gibson's commentary: "Literary naturalism is the unrecognized secret ingredient in a lot of my favorite science fiction. The characters are sexual beings, socioeconomic beings, products of thoroughly imagined cultures, etc. Naturalism, which I suppose more people would call realism today, was very thin on the ground in much of 20th Century genre sf. If the characters have sufficiently convincing lives, that organically balances talkiness and theory, and Cory’s fiction amply demonstrates that he knows that."

I'm also extremely pleased with the number of purchasers who've availed themselves of my "fair trade" ebook and audiobook store, where you can buy electronic versions of all my books in a way that doubles my share of the sale-price, while delivering you a product with no DRM and no "license agreement" — just like with a real book!

(Image: Gary Coronado/Los Angeles Times)