Desperate Comcast commits copyfraud in bid to silence its critics

The good people at Fight for the Future established OPERATION COMCASTROTURF to help you figure out if your stolen identity was used to file fake anti-net-neutrality comments with the FCC,…

The good people at Fight for the Future established OPERATION
to help you figure out if your stolen identity was used to file fake anti-net-neutrality comments with the FCC, but Comcast wants them shut down, and it's prepared to commit barratry to get its way.

Comcast's agents, "Looking Glass Cyber Solutions" (formerly Cyveillance — the company changed its name after becoming notorious for sending bogus copyright notices) sent a legal threat to Fight for the Future, asserting that the site violated Comcast's "valuable intellectual property rights" and demanding that the activist group hand over their domain to Comcast or face dire legal consequences.

Of course, there's no way that Comcast would actually move forward with any legal action here. In fact, I'm pretty sure it already regrets the fact that the numbskulls at this vendor they hired to police their brand online just caused (yet another) massive headache for their brand online. Maybe, this time, Comcast will finally let Cyveillance/Looking Glass Cyber go, and find partners who don't fuck up so badly. Meanwhile, the fact that Looking Glass Cyber can't even figure out that Comcastroturf is a perfectly legal protest site makes the company's website — which is chock full of idiotic buzzwords about "threat mitigation" and "threat intelligence" — look that much more ridiculous. The only "threat" here is Looking Glass/Cyveillance and their silly cluelessness sending out censorious threats based on what appears to be little actual research.

Of course, without true net neutrality, if Comcast really wanted to silence Comcastroturf, it would just block everyone from accessing the site…

Comcast tries to censor pro-net neutrality website calling for investigation of fake FCC comments potentially funded by cable lobby

[Fight for the Future]

If Net Neutrality Dies, Comcast Can Just Block A Protest Site Instead Of Sending A Bogus Cease-And-Desist
[Mike Masnick/Techdirt]