Boing Boing Staging

London! I'll see you tonight on the Walkaway tour! (then Liverpool, Birmingham, and Hay…) (!)

Last night’s kick-off event for the UK Walkaway tour was brilliant, thanks to the magic combination of the excellent Tim Harford, the excellent people of Oxford, and the excellent booksellers at Blackwells.

Tonight I’ll be at Forbidden Planet at 6PM to sign books, then we’re walking over to Waterstone’s Tottenham Court Road for a 6:45 event with Laurie Penny. Tomorrow, I’m doing another London event, this one with Olivia Sudjic (author of Sympathy) at Pages of Hackney at 7PM.

After that, I head to Liverpool, Birmingham and Hay-on-Wye before heading back to the USA for events in San Francisco, New York, Chicago, Denver, San Diego and Las Vegas! Hope to see you there!

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