The FREQ Show: Feminist Frequency's new crowdfunded series about "today’s most pressing social issues"

The FREQ Show: 00.02 The Unmanning of Trump Watch this video on YouTube. For years, Anita Sarkeesian and her crew at Feminist Frequency (previously) have been striking terror into the…

The FREQ Show: 00.02 The Unmanning of Trump

For years, Anita Sarkeesian and her crew at Feminist Frequency (previously) have been striking terror into the hearts of reactionary assholes by saying calm, smart, funny, sensible and insightful things about how video games reveal our social attitudes.

Now they're at it again with a new show called The FREQ Show, a show that "looks at today’s most pressing social issues to consider how the things that what we watch, listen to and play actively influence our daily interactions."

"Season Zero" of The FREQ Show is a four-episode preview; to fund a full first season, they're crowdfunding $20,000 in donations (I kicked in $100!).

We know that the social issues we’re talking about in The FREQ Show, from reproductive rights to mass incarceration to representations of sexual assault in mainstream TV, affect each one of us, every single day – and we’re going to keep speaking up about them, loudly! That’s why we’re releasing The FREQ Show regularly, every other Thursday, starting this May. This month, $20,000 will jump-start our next four episodes to keep the show going. These issues need to be discussed; by donating, you can help us do just that.

The FREQ Show

May Marks our Anniversary, Campaign and New Show
[Feminist Frequency]