How to make a skateboard that squirts liquid fire

Fire Skateboard [Maker Update #34]

Fire Skateboard [Maker Update #34] Watch this video on YouTube. This week on Donald Bell's Maker Update — a skateboard that shoots fire, design concepts from Hackaday prize, a dirt-cheap…

This week on Donald Bell's Maker Update — a skateboard that shoots fire, design concepts from Hackaday prize, a dirt-cheap telepresence robot, cardboard rivets, a microcontroller guide from MAKE, a (canvas military tool bag), and Maker Faire Bay Area, the biggest show and tell on Earth.

Extended show notes and transcript are here.

By the way, if you're coming to Maker Faire this weekend, I'll be on a panel with Donald, April Wilkerson, and John Edgar Park, moderated by Gareth Branwyn. I'm also giving a talk about making a 1-string guitar in 15 minutes. I hope to see you there!