Discover the acceptable levels of filth in your favorite foods

Looking for an appetite suppressant? The U.S. Food & Drug Administration can help. Just stop by FDA's Defect Levels Handbook to learn how many insect legs and rodent hairs are…

Looking for an appetite suppressant? The U.S. Food & Drug Administration can help. Just stop by FDA's Defect Levels Handbook to learn how many insect legs and rodent hairs are acceptable in various foods sold to the American public.

Peanut butter

Average of 30 or more insect fragments per 100 grams
Average of 1 or more rodent hairs per 100 grams

Some are multiple choice like canned tomatoes:

Average of 10 or more fly eggs per 500 grams
5 or more fly eggs and 1 or more maggots per 500 grams
2 or more maggots per 500 grams

Green coffee beans even have a separate guidance if live infestation is present:

Average 10% or more by count are insect-infested or insect-damaged
Note: If live external infestation is present use the Compliance Policy Guide (CPG) titled " Food Storage and Warehousing-Adulteration-Filth" (CPG 580.100) in accordance with "Interpretation of Insect Filth" (CPG 555.600)

Fun trivia: FDA prefers just the initials vs "the FDA," like Eurythmics.

Defect Levels Handbook (FDA) Image: Denise Krebs