Tempest, a brutal island-survival roguelite

Tempest is a Pico-8 browser game by impbox that dumps you on an uninhabited island. Not a nice desert island, no, but an unpleasant one much closer to the arctic…

Tempest is a Pico-8 browser game by impbox that dumps you on an uninhabited island. Not a nice desert island, no, but an unpleasant one much closer to the arctic circle. Gather wood, fruit and fresh water (use the Z key) and see if you can make shelter before the cold night sets in and kills you. Key tip: you have to manually drink and eat, by opening menus with the X key and hitting the relevant options.

How to survive your first day:

When you wash up you're nearly dead, hungry, tired, and exhausted.

• Your health will drop if any statuses (hungry,tired,exhausted,cold) are in the red.

•Resting while your statuses are ok will restore health

•Quickly drink some water from your flask. (x -> items -> flask -> drink)

•Find some fruit/berries and pick them then eat them.

•Salvage wood from your boat, and chop down another tree and get the logs

•Build a shelter, eat, drink and rest, stay warm

•After this, focus on finding freshwater (it has white sparkles) so you can drink and fill your flask

•Then try and find some stone and build a cabin which will replenish your stamina fully

•Build bridges to new areas


Day night cycle


•Temperature (it's colder at night and when it's raining, stay warm in your shelter/cottage)

•Simple menu system

•Procedurally generated world

•Bridge building

•Building wells that fill with water when it rains

•Plants grows overnight while you're resting

Once you've got a cabin and a water supply, you've licked it; the game's freshly washed ashore on the beach of playability. Impbox (patreon) plans to add crops, animals and more to do.