Film examines the brutal long-term effects of solitary confinement

The vast majority of prisoners like Kenneth Moore held in solitary confinement for extended periods get released with almost no rehabilitation or coping skills. Frontline spent three years inside and outside Maine State Prison documenting the effects on prisoners as they try to return to society after solitary. Be warned, it is as bloody and terrifying as any horror movie.

In Solitary by the Nunbers, Frontline serves up the grim statistics: about 80,000 people are held in solitary confinement in the United States. In Louisiana, about one in seven prisoners is held in solitary confinement. In Texas, about half of the prisoners in solitary have been in for three years or more.

Watch the full two-hour episode for free on the PBS site as the warden works to reduce the number of prisoners in solitary.

After Solitary (Frontline/Emblematic)