Watch: Amazing illegal rave on London tube train surprises passengers

This video gets more and more fun as it goes on. Passengers on the Bakerloo line on a London tube train were privy to a pop-up rave Monday night. At first, drum'n'bass MC Harry Shotta acts like an unsuspecting passenger, sitting behind a newspaper on a seat. He looks up in surprise as music suddenly blasts through a sound system and lights begin to flash. Then it turns into a full-on rave. Another DJ calls up Shotta and asks what his name is. When he answers "Harry Shotta" the passengers cheer, and then they are rewarded with a great show. Never has a subway ride looked so exciting.

Unfortunately, after about 4 minutes in, police officers come on board to break up the fun. The passengers boo. But the train won't budge until the party is cleared. The police are civil (one officer even looks like he'd like to join) and the ravers are good sports. I wish I would have been there.

More from The Guardian:

The stunt was concocted by YouTube prank channel Trollstation, and featured a performance by DJ Discoboy and the aforementioned Shotta, an award-winning MC who at first pretended to be an unsuspecting member of the general public before he got on to the mic…

Organiser Discoboy told the Press Association: “There was a great atmosphere. The police shut it down, but they were cool about it.”