Watch this trippy Soviet kid's cartoon from 1976

Watch this video on YouTube. Box with a Secret (Шкатулка с секретом) is a Yellow Submarine-inspired children's fairy tale about a child who discovers how to fix a magical box…

Box with a Secret (Шкатулка с секретом) is a Yellow Submarine-inspired children's fairy tale about a child who discovers how to fix a magical box that stopped working. You don't have to know Russian to enjoy its Communist-era message about aristocracy.

Interesting side note: Vladimir Fedorovich Odoyevski, the 19th-century author of the story on which the Soviet update is based, was a prominent science fiction writer who some credit with predicting blogging.

Box with a Secret (YouTube / Мультики мультфильмы мультяшки и сказки) via Toilet Paper Cosmos