Prison sentence for Spanish woman who tweeted jokes about the assassination of Franco's fascist successor

Julio writes, "A Spanish woman was sentenced yesterday for tweeting jokes about the 1973 assassination of Carrero Blanco (the appointed successor or General Franco). She was 16 at the time…

Julio writes, "A Spanish woman was sentenced yesterday for tweeting jokes about the 1973 assassination of Carrero Blanco (the appointed successor or General Franco). She was 16 at the time of her tweeting."

"Far-right scum tweet every day about killing Muslims, Catalonian separatists or left activists with impunity but any matter deemed "inappropiate' by the corrupt right-wing get prosecuted with full power. Cassandra Vera is 21 y.o. and she's been found guilty by the Court of 'glorifying terrorism and humiliating victims of terrorism.' Though she received jail time she will not be imprisoned, but she her public scholarship has been terminated by the sentence and she'll be disqualified for receive any public help for at least 7 years, so it's impossible for her to complete her university degrees."

"Meanwhile, the Partido Popular, the right-wing ruling party in Spain, is infested by corruption scandals, but keeps pushing for laws against civil rights and privacy, and does everything in its power to prevent the recovery of buried people in the common graves of the Spanish Civil War."

Spanish woman given jail term for tweeting jokes about Franco-era assassination
[Agence France-Presse/The Guardian]

(Thanks, Julio!)