Pool trickshot artist proves his shots aren't fake with live audience

Top 5 MOST VIEWED Venom Trickshots videos!!!!!

Top 5 MOST VIEWED Venom Trickshots videos!!!!! Watch this video on YouTube. Florian Kohler, aka Venom, may look like an unassuming guy, but he's one of the greatest living pool…

Florian Kohler, aka Venom, may look like an unassuming guy, but he's one of the greatest living pool trickshot artists. Tired of claims that his videos are faked, he gathered an audience and compiled his five most viewed trickshot videos.

Bonus video: how to break a rack of pool balls:

Billiards Tutorial: How to Break 8 Ball in Pool

Top 5 MOST VIEWED Venom Trickshots videos!!!!! (YouTube/ Venom Trickshots)