Boing Boing Staging

Gentleman hasn't gotten out of his car in seven years (or has he?)

Fanda is a guy who lives in his car, but doesn’t just live in it. He never gets out of it. Aside from the interesting pragmatic aspects, it’s a remarkably moving film about how some people respond to deep loss. Spoiler alert:

It’s also fiction. “Turbodiesel” is a short film made about a decade ago by V7M, Noisebrothers and Czech Bomba, but many in the Czech Republic took it to be real. In the big reveal (“7 let (ne)vystoupil z auta!“) Fanda’s “documentary team” comes out on stage to accept a film award.

Man hasn’t stepped out of his car for 7 YEARS (YouTube / Fast Lane with award ceremony footage via wosel)

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