As transgender rights get rolled back, America needs more bathroom cops

Bathroom Cop Watch this video on YouTube. In this recruitment video for America's elite Bathroom Police, Officer Tammy Cox explains the duties and obligations of the crack force who will…

In this recruitment video for America's elite Bathroom Police, Officer Tammy Cox explains the duties and obligations of the crack force who will be carrying out Trump Administration mandates in public bathrooms.

An instant classic when it came out in response to the HB2 legislation in North Carolina, it's sadly more relevant than ever. Now that they will be tasked with pants-checking children in America's public schools, I assume teachers and school officials will be deputized in the force, too.

FYI this stars the inimitable Betsy Sodaro as Officer Tammy Cox. Show her some Twitter love if you're so inclined!

Bathroom Cop (YouTube / Funny or Die)