As Mike Flynn departs amid Russia blackmail suspicions, the dysfunction inside Trump's regime is boiling over. There's talk of multiple investigations into multiple staff members, even blaming Obama 'sleeper cells' inside the White House.
Today's New York Times includes yet another exposé of what an increasingly hobbled hot mess Team Trump is. The piece includes a whopper of a quote from one of our nation's senior-most defense officials. Get a load of this.

Army Gen. "Tony" Thomas, leader of the U.S. Special Operations Command.
Gen. Tony Thomas, head of the military’s Special Operations Command, expressed concern about upheaval inside the White House.
“Our government continues to be in unbelievable turmoil. I hope they sort it out soon because we’re a nation at war,” he said at a military conference on Tuesday. Asked about his comments later, General Thomas said in a brief interview, “As a commander, I’m concerned our government be as stable as possible.”
But Mr. Flynn’s late-night departure just added to the broader sense of chaos at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. In record time, the 45th president has set off global outrage with a ban on travelers from Muslim countries, fired his acting attorney general for refusing to defend the ban and watched as federal courts swiftly moved to block the policy, calling it an unconstitutional use of executive power.
The president has angrily canceled a summit meeting with the Mexican president, hung up on Australia’s prime minister, authorized a commando raid that resulted in the death of a Navy SEAL member, repeatedly lied about the existence of millions of fraudulent votes cast in the 2016 election and engaged in Twitter wars with senators, a sports team owner, a Hollywood actor and a major department store chain. His words and actions have generated almost daily protests around the country.
Yep. Or in other words, it's just another Tuesday under Trump.

Then newly-promoted Army Gen. Raymond "Tony" Thomas assumed command of U.S. Special Operations Command Mar. 30, 2016.
Man, there's a lot going on today.
WH denying chatter that Flynn deputy KT McFarland will also be leaving
— Miriam Elder (@MiriamElder) February 14, 2017
Hannity on radio about this tweet: "I think they sent out a pretty cryptic message probably based on information they have"
— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) February 14, 2017
WH denying chatter that Flynn deputy KT McFarland will also be leaving
— Miriam Elder (@MiriamElder) February 14, 2017
Mitch McConnell says it's "highly likely" the Senate Intel Committee will probe Flynn’s contact with Russian amb.
— Jim Roberts (@nycjim) February 14, 2017
Forget the Logan Act, Flynn may have lied to the FBI, which would be a felony.
— Anthony De Rosa (@Anthony) February 14, 2017
Exactly 3 weeks ago, @MalcolmNance said the investigation of team Trump looked more like a spy-hunt. And now here we are…
— Caroline O. (@RVAwonk) February 14, 2017
Sen. Chuck Schumer on Flynn: "There are potential criminal violations here."
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) February 14, 2017
McConnell: Flynn investigation 'highly likely' in Senate committee
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) February 14, 2017
If this were a novel it'd be a little too perfect for it to end like this for the guy who made the "lock her up" speech at GOP convention.
— Ryan Lizza (@RyanLizza) February 14, 2017
"Flynn is a bit player in a much larger story regarding the president’s relationship with the Kremlin."
— Carlos Lozada (@CarlosLozadaWP) February 14, 2017