If you like 11Foot8 bridge, you'll love 10Foot6 bridge

Watch this video on YouTube. If the mayhem caused by 11Foot8 bridge was not enough, imagine shaving another 1Foot2 off the clearance, et voila! The 10Foot6 Bridge in Westwood, Massachusetts.…

If the mayhem caused by 11Foot8 bridge was not enough, imagine shaving another 1Foot2 off the clearance, et voila! The 10Foot6 Bridge in Westwood, Massachusetts.

In case the screencap intrigued you, here's the backstory on the fire that happens toward the end. No humans were hurt, though a lot of lobsters got prematurely cooked.

On July 1st, 2014, a truck carrying 7,000 pounds of lobster slammed into an MBTA rail bridge in Westwood, sparking a fire and huge problems for commuters. The driver of the 13-foot tall Ryder rental truck tried to clear the 10-foot, 6-inch East Street overpass around 4:50 a.m. and failed. The truck burst into flames after the crash. Surveillance video captured the impact. The truck driver, Todd Preston, 26, of Portland, Maine has been charged with operating a motor vehicle negligently so as to endanger and failure to obey municipal signs, according to Westwood Police.

Bonus video: the full lobster truck video:

11Foot8's Evil Little Brother (YouTube / Willem Hebbe)