Michigan young Republicans apologize for Hitler/Holocaust-themed Valentine

Central Michigan University's College Republicans threw a Valentines event where attendees got gift bags prepared by the university's young, upstanding Republicans, including this one, bearing a likeness of Adolf Hitler…

Central Michigan University's College Republicans threw a Valentines event where attendees got gift bags prepared by the university's young, upstanding Republicans, including this one, bearing a likeness of Adolf Hitler and the message, "my love 4 u burns like 6,000 jews."

The College Republicans have since apologized. The card was signed "XOXO, Courtney."

The group apologised, saying it did not "condone this type of rhetoric or anti-Semitism".

"At tonight's [Wednesday] College Republican meeting, we had a Valentine's Day party, in which each member decorated a bag and other members placed valentines inside of others' bags. Unfortunately, a very inappropriate card was placed into a bag without other members' knowledge."

The students' group issued a public apology on Facebook

Anti-Semitic Valentine at Republican student event sparks outrage