Beyond Science Fiction: the Alternative Realism of Michael Whelan

Michael Whelan's artwork is some of the most instantly recognizable, and iconic in the world of science fiction and fantasy. He is practically his own genre. The Riverside Art Museum…

Michael Whelan's artwork is some of the most instantly recognizable, and iconic in the world of science fiction and fantasy. He is practically his own genre. The Riverside Art Museum is featuring Whelan in a new show, opening this Saturday, February 11th.

Whelan's paintings have graced the covers of literally hundreds of record albums, books and magazines. Stephen King, Issac Asimov, Piers Anthony, Michael Moorcock, The Jacksons, and Meatloaf have all employed his imagery.

Please go and check out this fantastic collection of his work, curated by my good friend Bob Self of Baby Tattoo. There will be an opening reception this Saturday, February 11th from 7-9pm.

Beyond Science Fiction: the Alternative Realism of Michael Whelan
Riverside Art Museum
Riverside, California
February 11th – May 25th, 2017