Anti-Trident activists poster London with "Become a Suicide Bomber" spoof naval recruiting ads

Artist Darren Cullen (previously) created the posters, which read, "The crew of our nuclear submarines are on a suicide mission. To launch their missiles means death is certain, not just…

Artist Darren Cullen (previously) created the posters, which read, "The crew of our nuclear submarines are on a suicide mission. To launch their missiles means death is certain, not just for them, but for the millions of innocent people those bombs will obliterate, and for the rest of us too."

An activist group called the Special Patrol Group have snuck the posters into bus-shelters across London.

Cullen said: "Some people have seen this as an attack on the sailors, but what I'm actually attacking is the military apparatus which is prepared to sacrifice sailors lives and actually destroy the world if Britain were to lose a war.

"On the other side, I've had a lot of support from people who see the British establishment's obsession with nuclear weapons as a dangerous, expensive and potentially catastrophic expression of national insanity."

Former Royal Navy weapons engineer-turned-whistleblower William McNeilly supported the premise of the posters, telling RT: “It is well known on board nuclear submarines that the Trident submarine on patrol will be the prime target in a nuclear war …They are ready and prepared to be suicide bombers.”

'Become a suicide bomber' posters appear across London
[Adam Boult/Telegraph]

(via We Make Money Not Art)