Becky Stern writes, "Send your valentine a note through the net! This DIY electronics project uses a small vibrating motor to gently wave a tissue paper heart and flash an LED when it receives instructions over the internet from another device. I built two versions of the ESP8266 wifi circuit, also equipped with two buttons for triggering the two commands. The devices talk over the Adafruit IO cloud data service to communicate with each other from anywhere with wifi, and I'll show you how to activate your valentine with the API gateway service IFTTT as well, in case you only want to build one valentine circuit."
Make: a wifi internet Valentine
Internet Valentine w/ ESP8266 // Becky Stern Watch this video on YouTube. Becky Stern writes, "Send your valentine a note through the net! This DIY electronics project uses a small…
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Enjoy a relaxing half hour compilation of rain scenes in videogames
Jez Burrows edited this "supercut of video game characters taking a break from solving crime or shooting people to enjoy a meditative minute of miserable weather." "It's Rain in Games,… READ THE REST
"Old rubber boots": Fetish video or performance art? "Have fun at home with my old rubber boots," the creator writes. Avant-garde performance art or fetish video? You decide. One commenter's rave review: "Nice boots. Rubber seems to… READ THE REST
Watch this head-spinning video of interconnected Olympic acrobatics
Donato Sansone "Concatenation 2" film connects a series of acrobatic Olympic athletes' jumps, spins, and dives into "a series of interconnected things or events," which is the definition of "concatenation."… READ THE REST
Short Post, just one paragraph
Dessert cheesecake wafer bear claw fruitcake. Fruitcake chupa chups donut candy canes marzipan. Apple pie sweet roll tart chocolate cake macaroon marshmallow carrot cake gummi bears sweet. Pastry sugar plum… READ THE REST
Save 50% on a 1-year subscription to Dashlane's premium password manager
We all know vital information about ourselves and our private digital accounts can be compromised by cybercriminals. However, many would be frightened to know just how compromised they and their… READ THE REST
The Bite Helper removes the itch of a mosquito bite in seconds
While mosquitoes have certainly earned their title as the deadliest animal on earth, their impact on most of our lives is usually a lot less consequential. But even though they… READ THE REST