John Dupuis, the web's leading chronicler of governmental wars on science, has made good on his promise to track trumpism's denialism, and judging from week one, there's going to be a gigantic rapsheet by the time Trump is impeached.
Here is a list of the damage done during the first week of the Donald Trump presidency.
* Jan 2017. EPA studies, data must undergo political review before release (more: 1 2 3 4 5 6)
* Jan 2017. GOP makes plans to invalidate Endangered Species Act (more: 1 2 3 4)
* Jan 2017. Donald Trump will eliminate landmark climate protection plan, says first post on White House website
* Jan 2017. Trump’s Wall Could Cause Serious Environmental Damage (more: 1 2 3)
* Jan 2017. Trump Administration Orders EPA to Remove Its Climate Change Web Page (more: 1)
* Jan 2017. Trump Appoints Anti-Regulation Net Neutrality Enemy to Head FCC (more: 1 2)
* Jan 2017. White House orders ‘immediate regulatory freeze’ and proposes slashing regulations (more: 1 2 3 4 5)
* Jan 2017. Donald Trump is the sole reliable source of truth, says chair of House Science Committee (more: 1)
* Jan 2017. Reported Trump Science Adviser Rejects Climate Science and is generally anti-intellectual (more: 1 2 3)
* Jan 2017. Trump’s Anti-Muslim Order Could Have ‘Chilling’ Effect On Science (more: 1 2 3)
* Jan 2017. Climate change summit canceled by CDC amid uncertainty of a Trump presidency (more: 1 2 3 4 5)
* Jan 2017. Myron Ebell, Trump Adviser, Calling for Overhaul of ‘Junk Science’ at EPA (more: 1 2)
* Jan 2017. Trump bans agencies (USDA, NPS, EPA, DoT, etc) from ‘providing updates on social media or to reporters’ (more: 1 2 3 4)
* Jan 2017. Trump’s unsupported claim he has ‘received awards on the environment’ (more: 1 2)
* Jan 2017. Minutes after Trump becomes president, White House website deletes all mention of climate change (more: 1 2 3)
* Jan 2017. Trump Issues Executive Orders Freezing Federal Hiring (more: 1 2)
* Jan 2017. White House warns Prince Charles against ‘lecturing’ on climate change (more: 1)
The Donald Trump War on Science: Week 1: How bad could it be?
(Image: Gage Skidmore, CC-BY-SA)