Artists pool 6 liters of their blood to make painting protesting Trumpism

Indecline made headlines with a series of naked Trump statues that popped up around the country. Now they are back with Rise Up Thy Young Blood, a project extolling American…

Indecline made headlines with a series of naked Trump statues that popped up around the country. Now they are back with Rise Up Thy Young Blood, a project extolling American diversity, created from their blood. Note: if you don't like blood or needles, this video is not be for you.

In January of 2017, in protest of Donald Trump’s forthcoming inauguration, activists, artists, graffiti-writers and musicians donated 6 liters of blood to create a large-scale piece of political artwork.
“Rise Up Thy Young Blood” is the largest piece of political blood artwork to date. It was painted by Illma Gore over the course of 6 days on a 10’x15’ paper canvas at the Samuel Freeman Gallery in Los Angeles, California.

Here's a piece on the Trump statues:

Rise Up Thy Young Blood (Vimeo / Indecline)