Artist creates dimensional scenes on old plates by precisely sandblasting through successive layers

Caroline Slotte is a sculptor in Finland who layers old, decorated china plates atop one another, then carefully removes material from successive layers with precision masking and sandblasting and carving,…

Caroline Slotte is a sculptor in Finland who layers old, decorated china plates atop one another, then carefully removes material from successive layers with precision masking and sandblasting and carving, created 3D scenes with gorgeous depth.

One of the most striking work of ceramic artist Caroline Slotte titled ‘Landscape Multiple’ is overlaid plates where landscapes or life scenes are embedded inside, with all the finesse of Auguste Renoir impressionist paintings.

In ‘Tracing’ series, she used masking and sandblasting process, working layer by layer for a very precise result, close to engraving or imprint. She cuts, carves and sands ceramic plates to give them a second life. Thus, she questions about object value while telling silent stories through the depth of her artworks.

Caroline Slotte

Layered 3D Landscapes Sculpted into Antique Plates
[Victoria Kang/Trendland]

(via Crazy Abalone)