Portraits for the Women's March on Washington, by Clayton Cubitt

My friend Clayton Cubitt has taken a phenomenal series of portraits for the Women's March on Washington.

“I was honored to be able to make some portraits of organizers and activists involved in the upcoming Women's March on Washington–and the many sister marches happening around the country and internationally,”
Clayton says.

“Their courage and fortitude and determination to fight for a better future for everyone has filled me with hope for the future ahead.”

See the entire series here, on a dedicated microsite.


Clayton's blog post

A very touching personal account from one of the marchers/organizers about why she marches.

• The official project website.

The microsite housing Clayton's portraits and the quotes from the activists he shot.

Linda Sarsour, one of the March co-chairs:

"I have no choice but to organize to protect my family and the communities that I love. We must stand up and fight back, people's lives depend on it.”


"There is so much at stake in this upcoming administration. Women are the majority in this country. Our voices should hold weight."

"I march because our democracy is a dumpster fire. I march because structural patriarchy must be dismantled. I march because we fight sexism with solidarity."

(all photographs courtesy Clayton Cubitt)