Newspaper corrections of the year for 2016

Poynter collects the wildest journalistic corrections of the past year. Among the best, here's one from the New York Times. Because of an editing error, an article on Monday about…

Poynter collects the wildest journalistic corrections of the past year. Among the best, here's one from the New York Times.

Because of an editing error, an article on Monday about a theological battle being fought by Muslim imams and scholars in the West against the Islamic State misstated the Snapchat handle used by Suhaib Webb, one of the Muslim leaders speaking out. It is imamsuhaibwebb, not Pimpin4Paradise786.

Times corrections are often clever and succinct works of journalism in their own right. But most
"corrections" are just the consequences of humorous typos, math errors, jumbled names, etc.

What's great about it all, though, is how pretty much everything in the corrections roundup is so trivial. Good to know the media's been correct of late on all the big things.

Here's Boulder, Colorados' Daily Camera

EDITOR'S NOTE: Comments attributed to a Trump campaign spokeswoman were removed from an earlier version of this story at her request after she learned she would be identified by name.