Everything is a Remix, including Star Wars, and that's how I became a writer

Kirby Ferguson, who created the remarkable Everything is a Remix series, has a new podcast hosted by the Recreate Coalition called Copy This and he hosted me on the debut…

Kirby Ferguson, who created the remarkable Everything is a Remix series, has a new podcast hosted by the Recreate Coalition called Copy This and he hosted me on the debut episode (MP3) where we talked about copying, creativity, artists, and the future of the internet (as you might expect!).

Are you one of the many Star Wars fans eagerly awaiting the release of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story later this month? As you watch – and rewatch – the trailer, take a break to tune into Re:Create’s new Copy This podcast to learn about copyright and the role it’s played in the success of the fan-favorite series. As part of our ongoing work to elevate the discussion around copyright issues, the role copyright plays in our lives, and the need for balanced laws, Re:Create today launched Copy This hosted by writer, director and remixer Kirby Ferguson. The monthly podcast will bring to listeners conversations with some of the leading authors, policy minds, legal experts, and members of the creative community to take on the important questions and topics driving the copyright debate today.

New Re:Create Podcast Shows What Star Wars Can Teach Us About Copyright