Epic fantasy in the scary woods, The Vorrh

The Vorrh is Brian Catling, an accomplished visual artist's, first foray into novel writing. It is a magnificent display of world building, and perhaps sheer madness. The Vorrh is a…

The Vorrh is Brian Catling, an accomplished visual artist's, first foray into novel writing. It is a magnificent display of world building, and perhaps sheer madness.

The Vorrh is a vast, perhaps endless, forest. Inside the Vorrh live all sorts of magical creatures and mystery. No one has every transversed the Vorrh and lived to tell the tale, until now.

This novel is an adventure in and of itself. Catling adopts a prosaic style that initially I thought was going to be pretty difficult to read, but it isn't. The text doesn't fly by, but I was absorbed and quickly fell into a rhythm where it worked.

This isn't a novel to start lightly, there is a Finnegan's Wake-like element here.

The Vorrh by Brian Catling via Amazon