Trump's DHS plan leaked by Kris Kobach, who thinks more about Sharia law than folders

Kansas Secretary of State and noted xenophobe Kris Kobach, who is in line to run Trump's DHS, was photographed by the AP yesterday at the Trump National Golf Club Bedminster…

Kansas Secretary of State and noted xenophobe Kris Kobach, who is in line to run Trump's DHS, was photographed by the AP yesterday at the Trump National Golf Club Bedminster clubhouse holding the secret 100-day plan for the Trump DHS. By blowing the photo up, we're able to learn an awful lot about what's in the cards.

Included in the list is "extreme vetting" with questions "regarding support for Sharia law, jihad, equality of men and women, the United States Constitution"; rejecting refugees from Syria "using authority under the 1980 Refugee Act"; defining a "criminal alien" as an alien arrested for any crime (including, presumably, people arrested but later acquitted, or whose charges were dropped before a trial); an amendment to the National Voter Act (which signals further voter suppression), "update and reintroduce NSEERS screening and tracking system (National Security Entry-Exit Registration System) that was in place from 2002-2005. All aliens from high-risk areas are tracked."

The Topeka Capital-Journal blew up the cover sheet visible in the photograph to find enumerated points relating to Homeland Security. The first header read, “Bar the Entry of Potential Terrorists.”

The document also called for updating and reintroducing the National Security Entry-Exit Registration System, a program implemented after 9/11 that registered certain non-citizens in the country. That system was mostly abandoned in 2011. In an interview with Reuters after the election, Kobach suggested that he and other vocal anti-immigration activists might recommend reinstating such an immigration registry.

The document also contains a line that read: “All aliens from high-risk areas are tracked.” A point about “voter rolls” also made an appearance, and a point apparently relating to “high-risk” immigrants and Sharia law can also be read in part.

Kris Kobach accidentally leaked Homeland Security plans during a photo op
[Taylor Link/Salon]

(Image: cropped from Carolyn Kaster/AP)