In last desperate attempt to end American democracy, Trump aides change his Twitter password

The only way to stop the Donald from making a few hundred last minute, rage filled tweets was to take away his account. Presumably, after the election he'll be in…

The only way to stop the Donald from making a few hundred last minute, rage filled tweets was to take away his account. Presumably, after the election he'll be in charge again– one way or another.

Via the Verge:

The result, the Times notes, has been “robbing Hillary Clinton of her most potent weapon: Mr. Trump’s self-sabotaging eruptions, which have repeatedly undermined his candidacy.” The profile shows a candidate who is unaccustomed to giving up control, and who frequently ignores the advice of his advisors. With that in mind, Trump relinquishing control of this account is nothing short of remarkable.

Multiple people handle the account, but it seems that the tweets coming directly from Trump himself can be identified as coming from his Samsung Galaxy smartphone, which are tagged as originating from Twitter for Android. In February, Trump advocated for a boycott of Apple products following the company’s refusal to create a backdoor into the phone.

The last tweet on Trump’s account sent from an Android phone was on Saturday morning:


Since then, Trump’s tweets have been sent from an iPhone, which is in line with previous tweets sent out by his aides. The account has since been inviting supporters to come to rallies and sharing articles supportive of the candidate. The shift presents a new, managed tone for the account.