Hiromi Tango's vibrant performance sculptures depict brain function

Hiromi Tango creates sculptures of colorful textiles, neon, and mirrors, then interacts with the pieces as performance art, like this exploration of the amygdala, part of her Dynamic Emotions series.…

Hiromi Tango creates sculptures of colorful textiles, neon, and mirrors, then interacts with the pieces as performance art, like this exploration of the amygdala, part of her Dynamic Emotions series.


Tango states:

Sometimes explained as the brain’s smoke detector, the amygdala attaches emotional information to memories, influencing how strongly embedded those memories become, and triggering responses to similar experiences based on those memories. This can play an important role in survival, such as helping us to quickly determine whether a situation might be dangerous, based on past experience. But traumatic memories can cause us to over-react to ordinary situations as well, negatively impacting our daily lives by triggering overwhelming fear or sadness when there is no danger. As an artist, I am able to take license to explore these ideas without the burden of proof. These works builds on the shape of the amygdala, imagined through light sculpture, and the complex interconnections of thousands of fibres that process information in and out of this mysterious centre.

Jason Findley's photography captures the colorful energy of the sculpture and the artist's interaction with it.

Bonus video: Hiromi discussing her work.

Hiromi Tango 'promised'

Lots of other gorgeous work on her site.

Amygdala (Scissors/Fireworks) (Hiromi Tango via Cargo)