Boing Boing Staging

Beautiful drone flyovers at Scientology's Gold Base compound

Scientology Gold Base DJI Phantom 4 Flight 1

Tony Ortega at The Underground Bunker posted a fascinating overview of Gold Base, aka Int Base, the Scientology compound near Hemet, California. It includes beautifully piloted and filmed drone footage from an anonymous contributor. The 4K is so detailed you can watch adherents playing soccer.

Starting at about 1:30 in the first video the drone approaches and flies over the main compound residence of leader David Miscavige. Says Tony:

Bonnie View was the name of a Scottish-themed residence that was on this spot when the church bought the property, which had been a resort known as Gilman Hot Springs. L. Ron Hubbard liked the Bonnie View house, modest as it was, and intended to live in it when he was visiting the base and no longer in hiding. But Miscavige had the house torn down and replaced with this much larger version.

The footage is part of a larger playlist that includes flyovers of their Twin Peaks Base, Creston Ranch, Lady Washington Mine, Petrolia Base, and Trementina Base.

Scientology’s secret sites: The Bunker premieres drone footage never before seen of ‘Int Base’ (The Underground Bunker via

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