Boing Boing Staging

Satisfying end to a $28 million hand of high-stakes poker

With nearly $28 million in the pot, the eight minutes of “speech play” between Will Kassouf and Griffin Benger came to a very satisfying end. Everyone is debating which of the two players crossed the line.

Speech play is a time-honored tradition of manipulating the outcome in poker, and Kassouf is considered a master of the form. Benger took it all in stoic silence until time was called, then he unleashed some speech play of his own, culminating in both players going all in.

Non-poker players are more likely to find Kassouf unbearable, while much of the online nerdrage is directed at Benger because he used the phrase “check your privilege” a couple of times in response to Kassouf’s taunting. That term has become an anti-SJW dogwhistle. So there’s a little something for everyone to like and dislike.

Bonus video: a young whippersnapper gets schooled by an old pro.

Kassouf Vs Benger: The most INTENSE ALL-IN poker hand of the WSOP 2016 Main Event (YouTube / PokerXpress. Net)

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