Colorado unfairly targeting wildlife refuge at swingers' sex club, says squirrel-loving swinger proprietor

Kendall Seifert loves squirrels and swingers, and operates gathering places for both types of creatures at Squirrel Creek Lodge. Seifert is 53, and operated a wildlife rescue center *and* a…

Kendall Seifert loves squirrels and swingers, and operates gathering places for both types of creatures at Squirrel Creek Lodge.

Seifert is 53, and operated a wildlife rescue center *and* a swingers club at the same site, until state authorities raided his Littleton, CO business in a fairly transparent attempt to throw a wet blanket on the sex stuff by way of targeting the squirrel stuff.

Kendall Seifert loves squirrels and swinging. Photo courtesty Squirrel Creek Lodge

Kendall Seifert loves squirrels and swinging. Photo courtesty Squirrel Creek Lodge

Seifert's animal sanctuary was shut down, but the Scarlet Ranch swinger's club rages on, and is currently prepping for “the biggest Halloween party ever”, he told the Guardian. At the club, people can have sex in the basement.

“I’m going to fight this,” he said of the state's criminal case against the animal sanctuary.

The conflict between Seifert and state authorities has been going on for some time. Here's an April, 2016 report on local news about the brouhaha.

Seifert says the state raided Squirrel Creek Wildlife Rescue because they don't like the swingers' sanctuary situated at the same location “on a secluded lot tucked into the corner of C-470 and Highway 85 just across the Douglas County border.”

At that address, Seifert ran an animal hospital below the “top-dollar club with a full restaurant and an outdoor area for adults to play.”

From Colorado

"(The animals) require a million dollars a year budget, you have to generate the funds somehow and that's how I chose to do it," Seifert said.

However, on March 16, Squirrel Creek Wildlife Refuge was shut down by Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Agents entered the facility and took 91 animals into custody, according to spokesperson Jennifer Churchill.

"His staff self-reported 150 different violations of how they are managing their animals in their care," Churchill said. "A majority of them were related to not releasing animals in due time and also not releasing animals in the proper distance."

Churchill says out of the 91 animals taken, 23 were euthanized, 64 were released, and four were taken to other wildlife rescues.

"Our wildlife veterinarian was on hand and she evaluated every animal that was there to make sure they were in good health," Churchill said.

Seifert has a different version. He shot cell phone video which he says shows Wildlife officers "abusing" and mistreating the animals.

"Very aggressively snaring raccoons around the neck, throwing them into crates, taking animals out (the intensive care unit), animals that just came out of surgery," Seifert said.


"You can't just take a raccoon and throw it in the woods and expect it to survive," Seifert said when officers allegedly grabbed critters who'd just come out of surgery and tossed them into the forest. Not cool, dudes. Not cool at all.

Baby Squirrel Eating

Colorado Public Radio featured Seifert's squirrel rehab operation in this report earlier in 2016.

The Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife declined to renew Seifert’s rehabber license last spring, citing over 150 violations. The agency said the rescue kept the animals too long and didn’t release them at the correct locations. Seifert suspects that, in reality, the agency worried he was running a private zoo for swingers.

“Their concern was that we were trying to exhibit the animals because my enclosures were too nice, but that’s what I like to spend my money on.”