Terrific takedown of fake DIY phone charger tutorial

Fake and Real Wireless Power

Fake and Real Wireless Power Watch this video on YouTube. The fakers at ADDYOLOGY posted a scam video purporting to create a homemade wireless smartphone charger that is both dangerous…

The fakers at ADDYOLOGY posted a scam video purporting to create a homemade wireless smartphone charger that is both dangerous and useless. The always-entertaining ElectroBOOM did this epic takedown and electronics tutorial.

Who knows how many people will destroy a perfectly good charging cable because of this nonsense. As ElectroBOOM's Mehdi Sadaghdar says:

Don't fall for the fake videos out there, like this smartphone wireless charger. Here you can see how wireless power transfer is really done. Share this so people stop cutting their cords!

ADDYOLOGY's video has also been freebooted to Facebook, where even more saps are being taken in by ADDYOLOGY's b.s.

For reference, here is the scam video (please don't give them the click unless you're going over to report them):

Fake and Real Wireless Power (YouTube / ElectroBOOM)