Trolling Trump with an Arabic billboard

The billboard went up in Dearborn, MI, which has a large number of Arabic speakers, and reads "Donald Trump, he can't read this, but he is afraid of it" (a…

The billboard went up in Dearborn, MI, which has a large number of Arabic speakers, and reads "Donald Trump, he can't read this, but he is afraid of it" (a riff on the bags printed with "This text has no other purpose than to terrify those who are afraid of the Arabic language").

It was paid for by The Nuisance Committee, Cards Against Humanity's Super PAC.

"We came up with it because we believe that Donald Trump's hateful rhetoric is not based on reality. It's based in fear," Nuisance Committee spokeswoman Melissa Harris said of the Republican presidential nominee. "And we think that irrational fear is what's driving his anti-immigrant message."

She said Dearborn was selected because of its high population of Arab Americans in a swing state. They're hoping the message spurs conversation, with people reaching out to Arabic speakers to ask what it means, Harris said.

'He can't read this': Is Donald Trump afraid of this Dearborn billboard?
[Robert Allen/Detroit Free Press]