Prince's ashes rest in a 3D-printed urn shaped like his home

In the entry of Prince's home-turned-museum, visitors walk past a 3D-printed ceramic replica of the building they just entered. What some may not realize is that the scale replica is…

In the entry of Prince's home-turned-museum, visitors walk past a 3D-printed ceramic replica of the building they just entered. What some may not realize is that the scale replica is in fact an urn containing Prince's cremains.

The urn was created by Foreverence, and Jordan Runtagh tracked down the intriguing story behind the urn, co-designed by Prince’s sister Tyka Nelson and nephew President Nelson.

Tyka and President teamed up with Foreverence artists to create a scale-model of Paisley Park, measuring 14 inches high and 18 inches long, decorated with Prince’s famous symbol—done in purple, naturally. The ceramic and glass piece is covered by seven iridescent crystals that were chosen by Tyka, who placed the final jewel in the piece herself.

Foreverence also made this incredible White Castle slider urn for a cool gal named Mel.

First Photos of Prince's Final Resting Place: Singer's Urn Modeled After Paisley Park (People)