Talking about Allan Sherman on the Comedy on Vinyl podcast

Jason Klamm stopped my office to interview me for his Comedy on Vinyl podcast, where I talked about the first comedy album I ever loved: Allan Sherman's My Son, the…

Jason Klamm stopped my office to interview me for his Comedy on Vinyl podcast, where I talked about the first comedy album I ever loved: Allan Sherman's My Son, the Nut.

I inherited my mom's copy of the album when I was six years old, and listened to it over and over until I discovered — the hard way — that you can't leave vinyl records on the dashboard of a car on a hot day.

Our discussion ranged far and wide, over the golden age of novelty flexidiscs, Thomas Piketty, Hamilton, corporate anthems and many other subjects.

Episode 199 – Cory Doctorow on Allan Sherman – My Son, The Nut
[Comedy on Vinyl]