Greenpeace NZ delivers a solar power petition — with a song

Shine Your Love - Tiki Taane - Greenpeace Stop the Solar Tax Petition Delivery Watch this video on YouTube. The government of Hawke's Bay, New Zealand imposing an energy-company-backed tax…

Shine Your Love - Tiki Taane - Greenpeace Stop the Solar Tax Petition Delivery

The government of Hawke's Bay, New Zealand imposing an energy-company-backed tax on people who put solar panels on their homes. Greenpeace's petition in support of sustainable, renewable power was delivered with a catchy, angry song by Tiki Taane.

Tiki Taane and four sunny dancers delivered 45,000 tiny suns to the Electricity Authority in Wellington — all the while serenading them with his brand new song, Shine Your Love written especially for the occasion!

Each sun carried the name of someone who signed Greenpeace's Stop the Solar Tax petition.

The world is in a climate crisis and to survive, we have to adopt clean renewable energy as soon as possible.

Solar power is one of the fastest growing clean energy sources in the world – but our ability to use it in New Zealand is under threat.

Big energy companies see solar as a threat to their profits and their control of your power.

Right now they’re moving to cut it off. Their first move is the new solar tax in Hawke’s Bay which penalises people who have solar panels.

We must push back before that spreads nationwide and tell the Electricity Authority to Say No to the Solar Tax.

Shine Your Love [Greenpeace]